Client Testimonials

From the very first year of it's inception, each and every year Normandy Battle Tours have been awarded the coveted Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor. As of July 2024, we have over 300 testimonials on TripAdvisor with over 99% rating our tours as the maximum five star standard. Whilst there are a few companies with more reviews that us, considering we are a 'one man band' offering a maximum of four days of touring per week (some companies offer three time this number per day), of any D-Day tour company it is Normandy Battle Tours which receives the highest proportion of reviews expressing maximum satisfaction.

Having frequently guided on the Rick Steves 11 day 'Paris and the heart of France' tour, on average more than eight out of ten tour members stated that their tour of the D-Day beaches with Stuart was their highlight or 'wow moment' of theirĀ entire tour of France.

Below are testimonials sent direct to Stuart from previous tour groups which do not feature on TripAdvisor.

Stuart, I give you my full support in your venture. It is so important that people visit the battlefields and remember the events of 1944.

Lord Montgomery - The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, Son of Field Marshal BL Montgomery, (House of Lords)

We recently returned from a 5 day, 4 night tour of Normandy with Normandy Battle Tours. It was the highlight of our European vacation. Our guide picked us up at our Paris hotel and transported us out to Normandy in their comfortable, modern mini-bus. On the way, we toured the Abbey at Mont St. Michel. We found the accommodations charming, comfortable and very peaceful. Jenny was a most congenial hostess and served a hearty breakfast daily. Stuart was an excellent guide whose encyclopedic knowledge of the Normandy campaign is humanized by his passion for this history and his genuine reverence for the servicemen who fought here. The accuracy and detail of his descriptions satisfied those in our party who already knew a great deal of this history, while his depiction of the human drama of the fight captivated those who came with less knowledge. Both the adults and the teenagers in our group were enthralled. He has had the opportunity to meet a lot of the veterans of this campaign and is able to relate their stories as he has learned them first-hand. They tailored the itinerary to meet our specific areas of interest. The pace of our tour was brisk, but even with the amount of time we had, we left wishing we could have spent more time. On return to base, we capped off our evening with coffee and Calvados. Our rooms were comfortable, quiet and immaculately clean. At the end of our stay, we were again transported back to Paris for our flight home from Charles De Gaulle. Considering all that we received in terms of transportation, accommodation, food and an extremely knowledgeable and personable guide, we feel the cost of the entire package to be a very good value. With all there is to see, we would definitely recommend spending at least several days in Normandy and couldn't think of a better way to do this than with Normandy Battle Tours.

Melanie Remple, (Hutchinson, MN USA)

My wife and I toured with Normandy Battle Tours for four days during September of 2012. As a retired Major General of the US Marine Corp, I was totally impressed with our guide's knowledge of strategy, tactics, and the various commands involved in the Normandy campaign from the airborne and glider operations through the amphibious assaults on all 5 beaches, to the end of the campaign at the Falaise Pocket. As a professional historian, Stuart has gleaned heretofore unpublished insights from his interviews of campaign veterans, insights that lead to a far better understanding of what occurred at Normandy and the major impacts of unknown and unrecognized individual soldiers and young officer leaders. History comes alive at the hands of a man whose passion, military history, has become his profession. Our time spent with Stuart was indeed, perfection.

Major General Jarvis Lynch (Rtd) , (formerly of the US Marine Corps)

My family and I just returned home from a six day tour of Normandy. Stuart's knowledge and passion for the events of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy made this trip an "once in a lifetime memory". Each day included visits to sites in the area not seen on the more commercial tours. From the time we started planning a long awaited family trip to Normandy, I expected it to be a wonderful experience. To say it far exceeded our expectations somehow fails to do it justice. Our family put the entire visit in the hands of Stuart and better hands would be very difficult to find. From the moment Stuart picked us up at the airport in Paris, to our trip back to Paris days later, every aspect of this trip was a once in a lifetime experience. Stuart is a remarkable and knowledgeable guide who brings the events of the Battle of Normandy alive in a way that will be long remembered. Each and every destination and site visit was made so much more meaningful by Stuart's ability to share the story of the heroes who made history by their sacrifices during the summer of 1944. My family will for years to come be thankful to Stuart Robertson.

Jim Hammond, (Poughkeepsie, NY)

It is an honor to endorse such a fine young man who has given so much in keeping the memory alive. Only because of men like you are we still tall and free. Thanks. Be Happy.

Jake McNiece. Sgt 'Filthy Thirteen'. , (101st Airborne Division; D-Day / Holland)

It was a pleasure to spend four days with Stuart Robertson of Normandy Battle Tours. The assistance we received before the tour, all issues regarding transport and accommodation were dealt with and provided in an ultimately professional manner and the battlefield tour itself was just incredible. Thank you Stuart and Jenny for providing us with a memory which will last a lifetime.

Mrs Judy and ex- Mayor Richard Vinroot , (Charlotte, North Carolina)

I travelled to Normandy with my 19 year old nephew. We spent 4 days with Normandy Battle Tours and cannot imagine having a better experience with anyone else. Stuart made World War II come alive for us. The personal stories and all of the details made us appreciate what happened there even more than we already did. I would highly recommend Stuart's tours!

Kathy Rhode , (Humboldt, Iowa)

Stuart, thank you so much for the wonderful tour you provided my wife and I with. I have always wanted to visit Normandy. Your tour made the visit exceed what were already high expectations.

Charlie Gibson, (ABC News)